Hi Friends!
The year 2021 has begun and I just finished reading what I wrote on this place a year ago; not knowing that things would change so dramatically for a lot of people. For me it resulted in a loss of business hence less income. Regrettably I don’t see things changing for the better in the months to come. Covid-19 has a solid grip on us all. But… It also forced me to look at other new ways to earn an income.
You may have discovered my Ko-Fi account on which those who want to support me can make small donations. For those of you who already did: thank you so much! Actually… if all of my followers would make a small donation I would have a quite decent income. I did not shout the Ko-Fi account of the rooftops simply because I know that a lot of people are far worse off at the moment and I am still able to do what I like best: reviewing outdoor gear and a bike once in a while.
This is also what I will be doing the coming year and I hope I can get on speed again with a video-review every week. I will still do this as a 100% independent reviewer so brands are not paying me for what I do. I am proud of my independence. If you follow me already for a while you might remember that I am quite proud of not having affiliate links too. That will change.
Affiliate is a way of earning some money and after talking to friends, family, brands and you – my followers – I learned that I am the only one that still thinks I might lose my independence. If I want to maintain my channels this is probably the best I can do to create some income. The big question is still: How? Preferably not direct with brands, but with shops. Brick and mortar and online retailers. Maybe I even need to start my own webshop with gear I trust… Nice experiment for 2021.
For the followers in my home country The Netherlands: I will be giving outdoor clinics again when the C-19 situation enables me to do this. Just follow the www.outdoorguru.com website or send me an email at info@outdoorguru.com so I can update you actively.
Back to the beginning of this letter: In January 2020 I also wrote that my target was 10.000 subscribers on YouTube before the end of that year. I didn’t make it. Bummer? Not really. I ended at 9.889 so at the home stretch and with everything that happened… nothing to be ashamed of. Target for 2021? No, let’s just stay happy and healthy!
The coming weeks the first videos will appear on my YouTube channel and website with products that I am reviewing for the Scandinavian Outdoor Award and I am working on some nice watches, a gimbal, a few tents and a trekking bike. Review request? Let me know. Questions or remarks: mail, DM or call me. And if you have a brilliant idea on earning some money with what I do… I’m all ears!
I wish you all a Happy New Year and Enjoy the Outdoors and Stay Safe!
Ciao Ciao,
ps. The mountain is made of ‘oliebollen’ and my Lego family holds small Oliebollen in their hands. Oliebollen are a typical Dutch treat that we bake on New Year’s Eve.